Vintage Lego posters
People often ask us at the Lego exhibitions about the posters we use to detail the history of our vintage Lego collection at exhibitions. Well, we can proudly say they're done by the Art Director at our design company: Red Cloud Digital.
From our first display at Brickvention in January this year is was clear that visitors to the Lego exhibitions (and our display) wanted to know more about our collection, so instead of repeating ourselves over and over we put together a couple of posters about the Town Plan Set #810 to help share what we know.
Sitting just to the side, resting on the perspex barrier of our display, these two posters provide some interesting facts about our display and the 19050s/1960s period of Lego production.
Our posters about vintage Lego we use at exhibitions.
Here they are in detail:
Poster No. 1
Poster no. 2
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