Melbourne Brickvention 2018
Report from Brickvention, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne
January 19th to 21st, 2018
So here we are again, ready to rock and roll. Every year Brickvention seems to get bigger and better, and we're so happy to be a part of it. Since we were here last in 2017 we have added the large skyscraper buildings at the rear of the display. Only trouble is one of them was a disaster to move – each time we moved it to and from last year's Canberra Brick Expo it feel apart (and we mean into a million pieces!) If you're interested in seeing what the building looked like before we replaced it, take a look at our photos from the Canberra Brick Expo last year - it's the tall blue and white building on the far right.
What to do? Clearly we needed a new, more robust design that was stronger and more easily transportable.
In addition we snapped up a fabulous new HO-scale truck from one of the Lego dealers who specialises in vintage and classic Lego sets. (See our page about HO-scale cars)
We had a great time! Here's some photos of the fun:
Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia.
The complete display - includes the re-designed skyscraper (centre, rear).
The complete display
The crowds starting to gather...
Our HO-scale Lego trucks.
Our new "Interfrigo" semi-trailer. (Interfrigo is a transport company based in Brussels - the English translation is "Intercontainer").
Our HO-scale VWs and the newly acquired Mercedes Benz 190SL convertible.
More VWs.
Tow truck with VW Beetle, Ford Taunus (white) and a Mercedes Benz saloon (grey).
Detailed photo of some of the smaller buildings.
Street-scape view.
Our posters describing the ins and outs of the display. Learn more about the posters here.
From our friendly second-hand retailer at Brickvention we picked up this beauty:
A little worse for wear but we finally found and acquired a Citroën DS19.
And this one:
Our new "Interfrigo" semi-trailer. (Interfrigo is a transport company based in Brussels - the English translation is "Intercontainer").
We had such a great time down in Melbourne! We won't be applying to show the display in 2019 in Melbourne but we will be at the Sydney Brick Show in April, 2018 and the Canberra Brick Expo in August, 2018.
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