OK, maybe just one more...

When we put the display together with our new extra large buildings we realised we would need one final large scale building, the gaps between the buildings needed to be smaller to create a "metropolis" feel - one final building would plug the hole nicely.

We'll plan to complete the building with the bricks we have remaining on hand. We have lots of white bricks (especially 2 x 4s) and a good quantity of red bricks. We also have some curved 'macaroni' bricks which thought might be a nice touch. (There is a pic of the 'macaroni' bricks on this page.)

We also had a nice little "Shell" sign we'll put to good use:

The completed build - front view

The completed build - front view

The completed build - side view

The completed build - side view

The completed build - rear view

The completed build - rear view

The completed building - top view

The completed building - top view

The completed building - close-up

The completed building - close-up

Total bricks: 1,072

We’ll call this “The Shell Building”.

So that's that! We are now ready for the Canberra Brick Expo on August 10th, 11th and 12th. If you're in Canberra during that weekend pop in and see us, otherwise stay tuned for photos of the completed display in our next post.

Our list of buildings so far:

  1. The White and Trans Apartments

  2. The Hotel

  3. The Tiny House

  4. The Tiny House with the curved roof

  5. The Cafe

  6. The Kiosk

  7. The Church (#309)

  8. The Small Store (#210-2)

  9. The ESSO Filling Station (#310)

  10. The Fire Station (#308)

  11. The VW Dealer (#307)

  12. The VW Garage (#306)

  13. The Garage (#236)

  14. The Red and White Apartments

  15. The Police Station

  16. The Blue Apartments

  17. The Sanitarium Factory

  18. The Hospital

  19. The Empire State Building

  20. The Car Park

  21. The Extra Large Apartments

  22. The Blue and White Skyscraper

  23. The Shell Building

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