The Extra Large Apartments
As we continue our building journey of our extra large MOCs (My Own Creation), we are looking at including a large scale apartment block.
Again, looking to the Lego Museum for inspiration, we liked the look of the yellow building and thought we could modify it for our display.
First, we need to change the colour, yellow bricks were not included in Town Plan Set so we decided on blue. We also had a lot of red windows left over in the collection so anticipate we could replace the white windows in the Museum piece with red 1 x 6 windows as well as some of our last remaining white 2 x 2 windows.
Our inspiration for the next large scale MOC.
Here's our prototype (with some very random brick colours):
An early version of the prototype - front view, red and white windows with some transparent bricks for good measure.
An early version of the prototype - side view
An early version of the prototype - rear view - we plan to use the leftover small red windows in the back, mixed in with some transparent bricks.
Having sorted the dimensions (44 wide and 24 deep and 42 levels high - including the base pillars) we decided on a blue buidling with red and white features. The brick list is:
Blue bricks 2 x 8 = 534
Blue bricks 2 x 6 = 66
Blue bricks 2 x 4 = 94
Blue bricks 2 x 3 = 48
Blue bricks 2 x 2 = 8
Trans bricks 1 x 2 = 22
Trans bricks 1 x 6 = 44
White doors 4 x 2 = 28
White windows 2 x 2 = 6
White plates 2 x 8 = 122
White plates 2 x 6 =18
White plates 2 x 10 = 2
White plates 4 x 8 = 30
Red windows 1 x 2 = 28
Red windows 1 x 1 = 2
Total pieces: 1,052
We do need to order more bricks for this one. So we'll need to order what we need on, once the bricks arrive, we'll got cracking.
And.... they're here - the building - stage one with the base pillars complete:
Build in progress - the pillars - front view
Build in progress - the pillars - side view
Build in progress - the pillars - side view
Build in progress - the pillars - top view
Working our way up to the top we're integrating the red and white windows and the transparent bricks for additional windows. But it's quite right.... it looks somehow 'messy' or incomplete, so we'll pull it down and start again. Here's the first 'failed' attempt:
Our building was almost complete but it wasn't what he hoped for...
So starting again from scratch we've taken stock of all the pieces at our disposal, we were not keen on ordering more bricks so we'll lay out some possible options. What we liked the least about the first iteration of our building was the red, white and blue combination. We've decided we'll stick to a blue building with white windows (at least on the front view).
Here's some picture of the re-build in progress:
Re-build in progress - second layer using just the white windows - front view
Re-build in progress - second layer using just the white windows - side view
Re-build in progress - second layer using just the white windows - top view
We were just short of the height we wanted (so it sat in proportion to the other large buildings in the display), but we were short of windows. We decided to add a layer with some transparent blocks - a skylight of sorts... It was originally at the top but as the building will be at the rear of display we want the windows to be prominent, so we removed the roof and the transparent window layer from the top and placed it at the bottom and replaced the roof. Voila! Height plus prominent windows.
The completed build - front view
The completed build - rear view, not 100% to our liking but as it unlikely it will be seen by visitors to the display we'll let is be for now.
The completed build - side view
The completed build - top view
The completed build - close up of front
We now have three extra-large buildings complete.
Our list of buildings so far:
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
The Small Store (#210-2)
The ESSO Filling Station (#310)
The Fire Station (#308)
The VW Dealer (#307)
The VW Garage (#306)
The Garage (#236)
The Red and White Apartments
The Police Station
The Blue Apartments
The Sanitarium Factory
The Hospital
The Empire State Building
The Car Park
The Extra Large Apartments
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