The VW Dealer
So up to this point all the buildings have been red and white (and transparent) in colour, but the Town Plan set also included blue as the fourth coloured brick.
The VW Dealer was a special build, not only as it was the first time we had built with blue from the collection, but also because it had a very special "display window" to feature the latest in VW motoring excellence.
We decided that as we had 2 of the VW Karmann Ghias, we would use this in the window display box.
The Lego VW Dealer set #307 box cover artwork
The contents and inside cover of the VW Dealer set. (image:
The contents of the VW Dealer set. Not included in the Town Plan set we don't have the lattice-style street lamps and the black VW Beetle. One day we'll get around to replacing them....
Again, as with the Fire Station, we had a pretty decent set of layered instructions to follow.
The layered instructions to follow.
We did however hit a hurdle. No matter how we configured the set we could not get the size of the base plate correct. While we had the "box" for the window display, it was not, as we assumed, from this set, it appeared to have a different top 'notch' configuration. We discovered it was the display that came with the HO scale cars:
HO scale Mercedes Benz 190SL convertible with display box.
This is window display case included in the VW Dealer set.
In the end we did away with the 3, 1 x 1 blocks to the left of the front door and settled on a "similar" construction.
Layer 2 - front view, without the box
Layer 2 - rear view
Layer 2 - front view with the display box in place
Layer 2 - front view with the box and Karmann Ghia in place
Layer 3 - rear view
The top plate ready to fix in place - our "dealer" brick has seen better days - another for our replacement list.
And the completed building:
Completed - front view
Completed - top view
Completed - side view
Completed - rear view
Completed - rear corner view
While still not 100% faithful to the box set, we're pretty happy we managed to complete this one, the little window display is really something special.
10 down, 8 to go...
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
The Small Store (#210-2)
The ESSO Filling Station (#310)
The Fire Station (#308)
The VW Dealer (#307)
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