The Church
Having completed the list of the flyer-inspired buildings we'll now turn our attention to trying to replicate the stand-alone sets released in 1958 to accompany the complete Town plan set.
The first is The Church, set #309.
The Church set, released in 1958 is the only religious set ever made by Lego. As the years rolled by the company took a stand to not produce any product that could potentially offend individuals or groups. Today, the set is sort after for the 1 x 8 ANNO 1762 brick (in some sets it is simply 1762 or AD 1762).
Only found in the church set the 1 x 8 brick is around $US80, so we got a bit creative and we'll use the cheaper option of 1 x 1 white bricks with "1", "7", "6" and "2", and when we put it together (hopefully!) it will it resemble the correctly labelled brick.
The design of the church can be seen in the design of real-life Lutheran churches in Denmark:
Skørping church, Rebild municipality, Denmark
The cover of The Church set #309, released in 1958
Here's how the set looked on the inside (note the date brick):
The contents and inside cover of the Church set.
This build was the first really tricky build. We had managed to locate just enough 1 x 1 white windows to complete the build (12 requiredin all) on Bricklink.
Getting underway it became clear the layered instructions were not very helpful.
The layered instruction in the set are certainly not what Lego builders get today... (image:
After a few hours and many attempts it's coming together:
The Church - front view
The Church - doorway view
The Church - top view
The Church - side view
The Church - rear view
The Church - rear/side view
The Church - side view
The Church - top view
The Church - end/top view
7 down, 10 to go...
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
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