The Hotel
We completed our first build last week and next we thought we'd have a go at something larger and more complex: the hotel.
This building appears on the baseboard cover and the flyer in the Town Plan set but, despite hours of searching, we could not find a rear view of the building. So we employed our motto - when all else fails, make it up! We'll adapt the rear walls to suit the front design, utilising the red windows and clear bricks we're pretty happy with the result. We'll also get to build with the roof tiles for the first time to make the door canopy.
Wrinkled and worn but we could still make out some features of the hotel building in the flyer.
The design as depicted on the flyer included in the collection.
The first few layers underway:
The front view - utlisign the macaroni-style pieces.
The side view.
The rear view.
Continuing on, it was, at times, tricky as some of the pieces had warped, especially the windows and some of the white bricks.
Partial build - front view. We found a neat little Lego branded brick we included in the front wall. Hoping it comes togeher and the gaps disappear once the roof level is added.
The rear view as best we can guess.
And the final product:
The completed build - the front view.
The completed build - the top view.
The completed build - the side view.
The completed build - the rear view.
It was tricky using the older bricks, the colours varied, the windows were warped, the base plates misbehaved and it was difficult to get a 'clean' join in some instances. On the whole, given it's nearly 60 years old, we're pretty happy with the result.
2 down, 16 to go...
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
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