Another skyscraper...
On to our final building. We now have our three large scale MOCs to complete our Town Plan set ready for display at the Canberra Brick Expo in August. We need one final build to balance out the display.
Another free-build is on the cards. We had some pieces left over and wanted to put them to good use. We may need to supplement our builds with another Bricklink order but the prototype will tell us what we need to know...
Our prototype - front (and rear) view - 11 layers plus base plates - the structure is a little wobbly so the base plates should add some stability.
Our plan is to make the building six of these modules and place them on top of each other. We'll then place two smaller modules on top to create a tapered feel to the upper structure.
The prototype - layer 1 top view
The prototype - layer 1 side view
The structure will be 26 studs wide and 20 studs deep and will stand at about 65cm tall (66 layers + seven plate layers)
Top layer of the prototype
The pieces we require:
1 x 4 trans brick: 240
2 x 4 blue brick: 288
2 x 6 white plate: 1
2 x 8 white plate: 48
4 x 8 white plate: 80
6 x 8 white plate: 2
1 x 2 white brick: 418
1 x 4 white brick: 60
1 x 6 white brick: 144
1 x 8 white brick: 180
Total pieces: 1,461
We have concerns about the integrity of this building, the transparent and blue brick stacks have no side support and while we were working on the prototype it repeatedly fell apart. We have hope that once they have plates on the top and bottom of each of the levels the structure will hold itself together.
As it turns out, after 2 or 3 levels it did start to increase in structural integrity and here's the completed building:
The completed building - front view
The completed building - side view
The completed building - side view
The completed building - close-up
It's not the most sturdy of buildings but it should make the journey to Canberra. We’ll call this one “The Blue and White Skyscraper”.
Our list of buildings so far:
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
The Small Store (#210-2)
The ESSO Filling Station (#310)
The Fire Station (#308)
The VW Dealer (#307)
The VW Garage (#306)
The Garage (#236)
The Red and White Apartments
The Police Station
The Blue Apartments
The Sanitarium Factory
The Hospital
The Empire State Building
The Car Park
The Extra Large Apartments
The Blue and White Skyscraper
<< Back to Extra-large Buildings
POSTSCRIPT: After we displayed this building in Canberra at the Canberra Brick Show in 2017, we realised it was far too delicate to transport any great distance - it literally fell into 1,400 pieces after the trip from Sydney to Canberra!
For our Lego shows in 2018 we substituted it for a different, more sturdy building:
The new building on display.