The Red and White Apartments
We have built all the suggested builds from the flyer included in the Town Plan Set and the stand-alone sets from the late 1950s as we could, next on the list is some of our own creations.
The first was inspired by some artwork we found online (not sure if it's box cover artwork or a promotional flyer?) We can clearly see the apartment levels but we'll need to improvise on the first layer.
Late 1950s promotional artwork.
We love the look of the tall building in the background so we'll give it a shot. We'll do our best to interpret the base sections as the artwork is unclear:
The base section, left - front view
The base section, left - inside view
The base section, left - outside view
The top section is made from modular blocks, stacked on top of each other - front view
The top modular section - side view
The top section completed - front view
The building completed - front view
The building completed - side view
The building completed - top view (with 4 1 x 1 rounds for detail).
13 down, 5 to go...
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
The Small Store (#210-2)
The ESSO Filling Station (#310)
The Fire Station (#308)
The VW Dealer (#307)
The VW Garage (#306)
The Garage (#236)
The Red and White Apartments
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