The ESSO Filling Station
Having the layered instruction for the sets, while useful, still left us scratching our heads at times during the last build (The Small Store).
The ESSO Filling Station build will need the skills we learnt with the cafe and the tiny house - the curved plates and the older-style bricks mean lining up the roof line will be difficult.
Released in 1958, the Esso Filling Station (set #310) came with a truck, a petrol bowser and an ESSO sign. It also came with a neat little base plate that was spring loaded which allowed the garage door to open and close. The truck, petrol bowser and the ESSo sign was also included in the Town Plan set. The building design is very close to the real ESSO buildings design of the late 1950s.
Bill Albans’ Esso Station in Durham, North Carolina c. 1954
Sinclair Gas Station, Owings, Maryland c.1955
The first release of the pumps and the little shelter in the early Town Plans sets are clearly reminiscent of the pumps at the Sinclair Gas Station above.
This is the second design released in later Town Plan sets - the little red caps can be seen in Bill Albans’ station.
The box cover of the ESSO Filling Station set #310
The contents and inside cover of the ESSO Filling Station set.
The inside of the ESSO Filling Station set #310
The base plate for the garage door
The structure in place - front view
The structure in place - rear view
The structure in place - side view (right)
The structure in place - side view (left)
The structure in place - top view
The completed build:
The final building - front view
The final building - corner view
The final building - side view (left)
The final building - rear view
The completed building with the accessories:
The complete ESSO Filling Station (#310)
The complete ESSO Filling Station (#310)
8 down, 10 to go...
The White and Trans Apartments
The Hotel
The Tiny House
The Tiny House with the curved roof
The Cafe
The Kiosk
The Church (#309)
The Small Store (#210-2)
The ESSO Filling Station (#310)
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